




— why the horn?

The horns I create are all based on the motif of horns of the bovine(cow) family.

What is a bovine family? Cows, sheep, goats, bison, gazelles, the list goes on and on. Deer have antlers that look like branches, and most of the rest are in the bovine family. While the antlers of the deer family grow back every year, the horns(cavicorn)  of the cattle family continue to grow throughout life. Another big difference is that both males and females have horns, while only males have antlers in the deer family. (There are exceptions to this rule.)

The horns of the bovine family are directly connected to the skull, and there is blood inside! This is another factor that attracts me.

I feel something, like a strong WILL in them.







— So, why the horn motif?

I think that animals with horns are something similar to Japanese people.

They use their horns very rarely in their daily lives. They use their horns in territorial disputes between males, when they are fighting for females, when they are attacked by predators, and when they are protecting their family. Even though they are quite heavy, they don't get much use out of such beautiful forms.

 I get the impression that Japanese people are a little more introverted than other countries. We don't seem to be very clear. We have beautiful things, but we are not good at deviating from their individuality with confidence. We tend to be grouped together. Most of the animals in the bovine family also live in groups.

I don't mean that in a negative way. Everyone has such a noble horn, a kind of belief to live by. However, it's not something that we use often every day. I feel that there is an overlap of Japanese people and also humanity there.








— What is a - Horns from the Core- ?

   Japanese title “Shinkoku no Kakuju” ?

I've always had a kind of fascination with Horns. They're cool, they're beautiful, and I don't get it. Why do they have those things growing out of their heads? What are they for? ,,, I found myself drawing pictures of horns, making them, and wearing them. “A beast with horns”. I don't know why horned beasts have always been a part of me.

 The word “Shinkoku” is a coined word. Created with two Chinese characters “Shin” and “Koku”. Shin means real and true. Koku means curving and engraving.  It's a word that I finally came up with when I was thinking about the title of the exhibition with Yuu, who is working on the project with me.

It can be a trauma deep inside, a moment of pain, sorrow, emotion, or joy. The strong thoughts of self-formation that arise from them. I wanted to express these things by putting them on the horns of the horned beasts. Deep in the core of a person, in the very center. That's where they are engraved.






— Why do you dance?

I can't lie when I express myself with my real body. Sculptures and paintings can be brushed up as much as you want if you spend enough time on them.

I think it's very difficult to put your thoughts straight into your work. You end up making it look "cool".

But when you're dancing, you're only present in the moment. The place, the smell, the temperature, the physical condition, the mental state, all exist in that moment, and the next moment they are different. I am attracted to that transience.







— What do you want to express,

  and what do you want to communicate?

I think it is kind of ritual that creating artwork or expressing and communicating the thoughts to someone. I’ve always been an emotionally unstable person since I was young. I've been called depressed, manic-depressed, obsessive, and multifaceted several times in the past. I'm an all-around person, a perfectionist, a sycophantic mood-maker. I have to be like that. I have to be cheerful and positive, Yuya. That's what I've been keep telling myself when I look in the mirror. But you know, if you keep lying to yourself, you'll fall into a messy dark hole.

But now, I finally feel like I am myself. I think it's because I embodied that mess as artworks and let them out from within me. So, for me, creating and expressing myself is like therapy. It is a ritual to rebirth oneself.

 Starting with this exhibition, I changed the style of ritual a little. I thought to myself, "Let's stop being only myselves. Everyone has a light or a darkness in the back of their mind. Let me touch them and express their feelings. Sculpturally, physically. By doing so, I hope that the narcissistic values that have been only my own world will become a little more universal.



